My Journey to Zermatt – Episode 1
21 March 2022
The Betrayal of Jacqueline Flower
15 November 2022
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Writing a follow up to the Valentines Cup was both enjoyable and fulfilling.
The characters’ development plays a crucial role in story-telling. It was important to bring Alistair, Freddie and Joselyn back together for an exciting new adventure. Although VC told a complete story, there were lots of questions about the motives of the opposition which needed to be addressed and resolved.
The story opens with Joselyn Foster at her home in Martha’s Vineyard enjoying a well-earned break. Out of the blue she receives a telegram from her chief Professor Brimblecombe (‘Brim’), head of British Intelligence, summoning her back to London. From the moment she lands at Hurn airport, the game is on and she is faced with a fait accompli – she has no choice but to comply with Brimblecombe’s instruction – to risk her life in a dangerous assignment in Europe post war. Her father, Ambassador Charles Foster is motivated by Brim to help persuade her. Joselyn is irritated at such duplicity, but agrees.
Once again the research was detailed. I am indebted to Robert Glasby, the curator of the de Havilland Museum in London. He helped me with technical details concerning the DH 98 Mosquito FB MK V1. I wanted to get Freddie Valentine back in the air again for a crucial role in the mission to northern Germany. Brim coins the operation Crimson Wing, the title of the novel. Once again I visited the locations in the story to add to the authenticity.
Crimson Wing is the second in the Valentine Series. Two further novels will be published later in the year to complete the epic chronicle of Alistair and Freddie’s lives and all the people they encounter.